OCI Autonomous Database Inventory Tool

An automated tool for generating comprehensive inventory reports of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Autonomous Databases across multiple compartments. Perfect for cloud administrators, database managers, and DevOps teams managing large OCI deployments.

🎯 Key Features

  • Multi-Compartment Support: Monitor databases across different environments (prod/nonprod)
  • Detailed Storage Analytics: Both GB and TB measurements with precise decimal values
  • Comprehensive Database Information: From basic details to advanced configurations
  • Environment-Aware Reporting: Distinguish between production and non-production databases
  • CSV Export: Easy integration with data analysis tools and reporting systems

📋 Prerequisites

Before using this tool, ensure you have:

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) CLI installed and configured
  • jq command-line JSON processor
  • Bash shell environment (Linux/Mac/WSL)
  • Appropriate OCI permissions for listing Autonomous Databases

🚀 Quick Start

1. Installation

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/littleworks-inc/oci-adb-inventory.git

# Navigate to directory
cd oci-adb-inventory

# Make script executable
chmod +x get_adb_details.sh

2. Configuration

Create a compartments.txt file with your compartment details:

ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxx nonprod
ocid1.compartment.oc1..yyyy prod

3. Usage

# Using compartments file
./get_adb_details.sh -f compartments.txt

# Direct compartment specification
./get_adb_details.sh ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxx ocid1.compartment.oc1..yyyy

📊 Generated Report Details

The script generates a detailed CSV report containing:

Environment InfoEnvironment Type, Compartment ID
Database IdentityContainer DB ID, Database OCID, DB Name, DB Version
Storage MetricsStorage GB/TB, Used Storage GB/TB
Compute DetailsCompute Model, Compute Count
Status InformationLifecycle State
ConfigurationMaintenance Schedule, Upgrade Versions
Backup InformationBackup Config, Backup Retention Days
Memory DetailsIn Memory GB, Memory Percentage

🔍 Code Explanation

Script Structure

├── get_adb_details.sh    # Main script file
└── examples/
    └── compartments.txt  # Example compartments configuration

Key Components Explained

  1. CSV Header Generation
echo "Environment,Compartment ID,Container DB ID..." > "$output_file"

Defines the structure of the output report with all necessary fields.

  1. Environment Processing
read -r compartment_id environment <<< "$line"

Parses compartment ID and environment (prod/nonprod) from input file.

  1. OCI Data Collection
oci db autonomous-database list \
    --compartment-id "$compartment_id" \
    --query 'data[*]...

Retrieves detailed database information using OCI CLI.

  1. Storage Calculations
($row."used_storage_gb" // 0 | . / 1024 | tostring | if contains(".") then . else . + ".000" end)

Converts storage values from GB to TB with precise decimal formatting.

  1. Data Export
jq -r --arg env "$environment" '.[] | . as $row |...'

Formats and exports data to CSV with proper environment tagging.

🔧 Advanced Configuration

Customizing Output Format

To modify the CSV format or add new fields:

  1. Add new field to the CSV header
  2. Include the field in the OCI CLI query
  3. Add field to the jq output formatting

Example adding a new field:

# Add to header
echo "Environment,...,New Field" > "$output_file"

# Add to query
--query 'data[*].{
    "new_field": "new-field-name",

# Add to output
jq -r '[
] | @csv'

📈 Performance Considerations

  • Script processes one compartment at a time
  • Storage calculations are performed in-memory
  • CSV output is appended sequentially

🔗 Related Resources