terraform fmt

Terraform, a powerful infrastructure as code tool, enables users to define and provision infrastructure efficiently. A critical aspect of Terraform involves maintaining consistent and readable code. One essential command for this purpose is terraform fmt --recursive. Let’s explore its significance and usage in detail.

The Importance of Terraform Formatting:

Maintaining a standardized and clean codebase is essential for better readability, collaboration, and code review processes. Terraform offers the terraform fmt command, primarily used to format Terraform configuration files. The --recursive flag enhances this functionality, allowing users to format all configurations within nested directories and subdirectories, ensuring uniform formatting throughout the entire project.

Usage of terraform fmt --recursive:

The terraform fmt --recursive command is used to automatically format all Terraform configuration files within the project directory, including all nested directories and subdirectories. It standardizes the layout, indentation, and style, aligning with best practices. This command simplifies the process of maintaining consistent formatting across an entire Terraform project.


Suppose you have a Terraform project structured with multiple directories and nested configurations. Executing terraform fmt --recursive in the root directory will traverse through all subdirectories and format each Terraform file according to the specified style guidelines.

# Format all Terraform configurations within the project recursively
terraform fmt --recursive

Advantages of Using terraform fmt --recursive:

  • Consistency: Ensures uniform code formatting across the entire project, aiding readability and maintainability.
  • Time-saving: Automates the formatting process, eliminating the need to format each file manually.
  • Standardization: Enforces adherence to best practices and style guidelines.

SEO Keywords:

  • Terraform code formatting
  • Terraform configuration organization
  • Terraform project standardization
  • Automating Terraform formatting
  • Maintaining consistent Terraform style


The terraform fmt --recursive command is a valuable tool for maintaining a clean and consistent Terraform codebase across complex projects with multiple directories. By automating the formatting process, it ensures standardized code, aids in collaboration, and aligns with best practices. Integrating this command into your Terraform workflow contributes to an organized and professional development environment.