Kubernetes Concepts Explained

Kubernetes API

The Kubernetes API is the central interface through which all interactions with the Kubernetes cluster occur. It provides a set of RESTful endpoints that allow users and applications to query and manipulate the state of Kubernetes resources, such as Pods, Services, Deployments, and more. The Kubernetes API server is the main component that exposes these endpoints and handles API requests, acting as the front end for the Kubernetes control plane.

DNS Suffix

In Kubernetes, DNS (Domain Name System) is used to manage the names of services within the cluster. A DNS suffix is a part of the domain name that is appended to the service names within the Kubernetes cluster. For example, if you have a service named my-service in the default namespace, it can be accessed via the DNS name my-service.default.svc.cluster.local, where:

  • my-service is the service name
  • default is the namespace
  • svc.cluster.local is the DNS suffix that Kubernetes uses for internal service discovery.

Computer Network

A computer network is a group of interconnected computers that can communicate and share resources with each other. In the context of Kubernetes, the network typically refers to the infrastructure that connects the various components of the cluster (nodes, pods, services, etc.). It ensures that these components can communicate with each other and with external resources.

Service Network

The service network in Kubernetes refers to the virtual network that is used to allow communication between different services within the cluster. Kubernetes Services provide a stable IP address and DNS name to a set of Pods and manage the internal routing to ensure that requests are correctly routed to available Pods. This network abstraction allows services to communicate with each other without needing to know the specifics of Pod IP addresses.

Pod Network

The pod network is the virtual network that connects all the Pods in a Kubernetes cluster. Each Pod gets an IP address, and all the Pods can communicate with each other directly using these IP addresses. The pod network is crucial for the internal communication within the cluster. Different networking solutions (like Calico, Flannel, or Weave) can be used to implement the pod network, each providing different features and levels of performance.

Visual Representation

Here’s a simplified visual representation to help illustrate these concepts:

Kubernetes Cluster
|                                           |
| Master Node                               |
|  - Kubernetes API Server                  | 
|                                           |
| Worker Nodes                              |
|  - Pod Network                            |
|      |                                    |
|      |   Pod1 (IP:              |
|      |   Pod2 (IP:              |
|      |                                    |
|      |-- Service (my-service)             |
|      |      ClusterIP:           |
|      |      DNS: my-service.default.svc.cluster.local |
|                                           |
| Service Network                           |
|                                           |
| External Network                          |
|                                           |


  • Kubernetes API: Central interface for all Kubernetes operations.
  • DNS Suffix: Part of the domain used for Kubernetes service discovery.
  • Computer Network: Infrastructure enabling communication within the cluster and with external systems.
  • Service Network: Virtual network for service-to-service communication within the cluster.
  • Pod Network: Virtual network connecting all Pods, enabling direct communication between them.

These concepts are fundamental to understanding how Kubernetes manages and facilitates communication within a cluster, ensuring that applications can function reliably and efficiently.