Comparing a Feature Branch with Master in Git


In Git, comparing branches is a common task, especially when working on feature branches and wanting to understand the differences relative to the main branch, often named master. This document will guide you through the process of comparing a feature branch with the master branch using Git commands.

Step 1: Ensure Branches are Up to Date

Before comparing branches, ensure your local branches are synchronized with the remote repository.

git fetch origin

Step 2: Checkout to the Feature Branch

If you’re not already on the feature branch, switch to it using the checkout command.

git checkout feature_branch

Step 3: Compare with the Master Branch

Once you’re on the feature branch, compare it with the master branch using git diff.

git diff master

This command will display the differences between the feature_branch and master branch.

Step 4: Viewing a Summary

For a summary of changes between the branches, you can use git diff --stat.

git diff --stat master

This command provides a summary of changes, including the number of files changed and lines added or removed.

Step 5: Viewing a Detailed Summary

For a concise summary, use git diff --shortstat.

git diff --shortstat master

This command provides a shorter summary of changes between the branches.

Comparing feature branches with the master branch is essential for understanding the changes made in isolation and ensuring a smooth integration process. With the provided steps, you can efficiently compare branches and manage your Git workflow effectively.