Cloud Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform and GitHub Actions

Are you tired of manual infrastructure deployments on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? Are you looking for a secure and efficient way to manage your cloud resources? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through how to automate the deployment of infrastructure to AWS, Azure, and GCP using Terraform and GitHub Actions.


Before diving into the automation process, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Cloud Provider Credentials: Obtain the necessary credentials (Access Key, Secret Key for AWS; Service Principal details for Azure; Service Account Key for GCP).
  • GitHub Repository: Set up a GitHub repository to host your Terraform configurations and GitHub Actions workflows.
  • GitHub Secrets: Add your cloud provider credentials as secrets in your GitHub repository to securely authenticate with the respective cloud platforms during the deployment process.

Setting up the Pipeline

We’ve prepared a demo repository on GitHub showcasing the automation process. Inside the repository, you’ll find reusable GitHub Actions workflows for planning and applying Terraform configurations.

Workflow Files

  • terraform-plan.yml: This workflow initializes Terraform, validates configurations, and generates a Terraform plan. It uploads the plan as an artifact.
  • terraform-apply.yml: This workflow applies the Terraform plan generated in the previous step, deploying the infrastructure to the cloud provider.
  • pipeline.yml: This file orchestrates the overall pipeline by calling the terraform-plan.yml and terraform-apply.yml workflows.

Deploying to AWS, Azure, and GCP

AWS Deployment

Follow the steps outlined in the “Deploying Infrastructure to AWS with Terraform and GitHub Actions” section of this guide to automate infrastructure deployments on AWS securely.

Azure Deployment

Refer to the “Deploying Infrastructure to Azure with Terraform and GitHub Actions” section for instructions on automating infrastructure deployments on Azure using Terraform and GitHub Actions.

GCP Deployment

Utilize the guidance provided in the “GCP Infrastructure Deployment: Terraform & GitHub Actions” section to automate infrastructure deployments on Google Cloud Platform securely.


Automating infrastructure deployments with Terraform and GitHub Actions streamlines the process, improves security, and enhances reusability across different cloud platforms. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently manage your cloud resources and focus on building innovative solutions without worrying about manual configuration tasks.

Start automating your cloud infrastructure deployments today and experience the benefits of efficiency, security, and scalability with Terraform and GitHub Actions.