Cherry-Picking a Commit in GitHub Desktop: CLI and GUI Guide


Cherry-picking is a powerful version control technique that allows you to select specific commits from one branch and apply them to another. Whether you prefer using the command line or a graphical user interface, GitHub Desktop offers both options to cherry-pick commits effectively.

Cherry-Picking via Command Line (CLI)

1. Clone the Repository

If you haven’t already, clone the repository to your local machine using Git CLI. Replace <repository_url> with the URL of the repository you want to clone.

git clone <repository_url>

2. Checkout the Destination Branch

Navigate to the branch where you want to apply the commit.

git checkout <destination_branch>

3. Cherry-Pick the Commit

Use the git cherry-pick command followed by the commit hash to apply the commit to your current branch.

git cherry-pick <commit_hash>

4. Resolve Conflicts (if any)

If there are conflicts, Git will notify you. Resolve them manually and then commit the resolved changes.

git commit -m "Resolved conflicts"

Cherry-Picking via GitHub Desktop (GUI)

1. Open the Repository in GitHub Desktop

Launch GitHub Desktop and open the repository where you want to cherry-pick a commit.

2. View the Commit History

Click on the “Repository” menu, then select “View on GitHub” to access the repository’s commit history on the GitHub website.

3. Find and Open the Commit

Locate the commit you want to cherry-pick in the commit history. Click on it to view the details.

4. Cherry-Pick the Commit

In the commit details view, click the “Copy commit SHA” button to copy the commit’s hash. Return to GitHub Desktop.

5. Cherry-Pick via GitHub Desktop

In GitHub Desktop, click the “Branch” menu and select the branch where you want to apply the commit. Click the “Cherry-pick into current branch” button and paste the copied commit SHA. Confirm the action.

6. Resolve Conflicts (if any)

If there are conflicts, GitHub Desktop will prompt you to resolve them. Use the built-in conflict resolution tools.


Cherry-picking commits in GitHub Desktop can be done either through the command line for a more hands-on approach or through the graphical user interface for a user-friendly experience. Choose the method that suits your workflow best and effectively integrate commits from one branch into another.

Remember that cherry-picking should be used judiciously, and it’s essential to understand the potential implications of applying specific commits to different branches in your version control workflow.