Automating User Permissions Update in Databricks(Azure) Using Bash, jq, and curl

Managing user permissions in Databricks is a crucial aspect of ensuring secure and efficient data processing. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to automate the process of updating user permissions using a Bash script, jq for JSON parsing, and curl for making API requests.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Databricks instance URL (<databricks-instance>)
  • Databricks token (<databricks-token>)
  • Sample JSON file (input.json) containing user data

Bash Script Overview

The Bash script uses a for loop to iterate over each user object in the user array of the provided JSON file (input.json). It extracts the user_id and permissions using jq and then makes a curl request to update the user’s permissions in Databricks.


# Set variables for Databricks instance and token

# Loop over each user and call curl
for user in $(jq -c '.user[]' input.json); do
  user_id=$(echo "$user" | jq -r '.user_id')
  permissions=$(echo "$user" | jq -r '.permissions[0] | @json')

  curl --netrc -X PATCH \
    "https://${DB_INSTANCE}/api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Users/${user_id}" \
    --header 'Content-type: application/scim+json' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${DB_TOKEN}" \
    --data "${permissions}"

Script Explanation

  1. Variables Setup: Replace <databricks-instance> and <databricks-token> with your Databricks instance URL and token.
  2. JSON Parsing with jq: The script uses jq to iterate over each user object, extracting user_id and permissions.
  3. curl Request: The script then makes a curl request to the Databricks SCIM API endpoint, updating user permissions.

Example JSON File (input.json)

  "user": [
      "user_id": "123",
      "permissions": [
          "read": true,
          "write": false
    // Add more user objects as needed

Running the Script

  1. Save the script to a file, e.g.,
  2. Make it executable: chmod +x
  3. Run the script: ./

This script provides a flexible way to automate user permissions updates in Databricks, making it easier to manage access control efficiently.

Happy scripting! 🚀