Printing Variables in Jenkins Groovy Scripts

Jenkins Groovy scripts are powerful tools for defining and customizing your build and deployment pipelines. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to print the value of a variable in Jenkins Groovy scripts. There are a couple of methods to achieve this.

Method 1: Using println

The println function in Groovy is commonly used to print messages to the console output. Here’s an example:

def myVariable = "Hello, Jenkins!"

// Print the variable value

In this script, we define a variable myVariable and use println to print its value to the Jenkins console output. When you run the script, you’ll see the variable value displayed in the build log.

Method 2: Referencing the Variable Directly

Alternatively, you can simply reference the variable to achieve the same result:

def myVariable = "Hello, Jenkins!"

// Simply reference the variable, and it will be printed

In this case, when the script is executed, the value of myVariable will be automatically printed to the Jenkins console output.

Jenkins Pipeline Example

If you are working with Jenkins Pipelines, you can use the echo step to print messages to the build console. Here’s an example pipeline:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Print Variable') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def myVariable = "Hello, Jenkins!"
                    echo myVariable

In this Jenkins Pipeline example, we define a variable (myVariable) inside the script block and use the echo step to print its value. The message will be displayed in the build console.

By using these techniques, you can easily incorporate variable printing into your Jenkins Groovy scripts and Pipelines for better visibility and debugging during your CI/CD processes.