Automate Disk Utilization Checks with Python

In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring the smooth operation of your systems is paramount. One crucial aspect is monitoring disk utilization to prevent potential issues caused by running out of disk space. In this article, we’ll explore a Python script that automates disk utilization checks and provides flexibility in displaying or saving results in various formats.

Introducing the Disk Utilization Checker

Meet the Disk Utilization Checker, a Python script designed to simplify the process of monitoring disk usage on your system. This tool not only displays real-time information on disk utilization but also allows you to save the results in different formats like HTML, JSON, or XML.

How It Works

The script uses the psutil library to gather information about disk partitions and their utilization. It then provides a clean and straightforward interface for users to interact with.


  • Console Display: Get a quick overview of disk utilization directly in the console.
  • HTML Output: Save detailed information in an HTML file, organized in a table for easy readability.
  • JSON Output: Save disk utilization data in a structured JSON format.
  • XML Output: Save information in XML format, useful for integration with other systems.


Using the Disk Utilization Checker is as simple as running a few commands in your terminal. Here are some examples:

python            # Display in console (default)
python -f html    # Save to HTML file
python -f json    # Save to JSON file
python -f xml     # Save to XML file

Getting Started

To get started with the Disk Utilization Checker, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
   git clone
   cd disk-utilization-checker
  1. Install Dependencies:
   pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the Script:

Customize the command with the desired output format using the -f option.


Ensuring optimal system performance requires proactive monitoring, and the Disk Utilization Checker provides an easy-to-use solution. By automating disk utilization checks, you can identify potential issues before they impact your system’s performance.

Feel free to contribute to or enhance the script by visiting the GitHub repository. Your feedback are always welcome!

Happy monitoring!