Creating Azure Blob Storage with Pulumi in Python

Introduction: Pulumi, a powerful infrastructure as code tool, enables the creation and management of cloud resources. Here’s an example using Pulumi in Python to provision Azure Blob Storage and a container within it.

import pulumi
from pulumi_azure_native import storage

# Create a resource group
resource_group = storage.ResourceGroup("resource-group")

# Create a storage account
storage_account = storage.StorageAccount(

# Create a container in the storage account
container = storage.BlobContainer(

# Export the connection string for the storage account
pulumi.export("connection_string", storage_account.primary_connection_string)


  1. Resource Group: Creates an Azure resource group to contain the Azure resources.
  2. Storage Account: Establishes an Azure Storage Account with specified SKU and kind.
  3. Blob Container: Defines a container named “my-container” within the created storage account.
  4. Export Connection String: Exports the primary connection string of the storage account as an output.

To utilize this code, ensure you have Pulumi installed and configured with your Azure credentials. Execute the code using the pulumi up command to create the Azure Blob Storage resources in your Azure subscription.

Conclusion: Pulumi simplifies the process of managing cloud infrastructure, providing a flexible and programmatic way to create, update, and manage cloud resources, as demonstrated in this example.