Creating an AWS S3 Bucket with Pulumi in Python

Introduction: Pulumi simplifies infrastructure provisioning by allowing infrastructure as code. Here’s a Python code snippet demonstrating the creation of an AWS S3 bucket using Pulumi.

import pulumi
import pulumi_aws as aws

# Create an AWS S3 bucket
bucket = aws.s3.Bucket("my-bucket")

# Export the bucket name


  1. Module Import: Includes essential modules: pulumi and pulumi_aws.
  2. Bucket Creation: Utilizes aws.s3.Bucket to create an AWS S3 bucket, assigning a unique name (e.g., “my-bucket”).
  3. Export Output: Exports the bucket name using pulumi.export, enabling access to the name from other parts of the Pulumi program or command line.

To execute this code:

  1. Ensure Pulumi is installed and configured with your AWS credentials.
  2. Initialize a new Pulumi project using pulumi new aws-python.
  3. Navigate to the project directory with cd aws-python.
  4. Install necessary dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  5. Deploy the Pulumi stack using pulumi up.
  6. Confirm the deployment by typing “yes” when prompted.
  7. Pulumi will create the AWS S3 bucket and display the bucket name as output.

Conclusion: Pulumi’s declarative approach streamlines cloud infrastructure management, exemplified here in the creation of an AWS S3 bucket using Python and Pulumi.